
My Story

I was overweight as a teenager and into early adulthood. I always thought when I lost weight I would be happy. I lost over 80 pounds and still wasn't happy. My greatest transformation was learning to love myself and create happiness from within. Today I appreciate my body for it what it allows me to do; live my dreams! I eat to nourish my body and train all areas of fitness. I take responsibility for my happiness and my health. I see possibility everywhere! I keep learning and challenging myself in new ways. 

I combine tools from positive psychology, behavior change and spirituality with nutrition and fitness to help people create lasting transformations. Fitness and nutrition have to be part of a plan to live our best life, because our bodies allow us to live our dreams. No matter the tool, it is my goal to help people feel joyful and empowered. In my fitness & yoga classes I often make my students smile in challenging poses!

My purpose it to be an example for what is possible and help others live their dreams!

I am here to serve. I am here to inspire.
I am here to love. I am here to live my truth
— Deepak Chopra